London - May 3rd 1914


Diary entry from May 3rd 1914

On the 2nd May 1914, Isabel returned home to London. In this extract Isabel describes a visit to Hampstead Heath the day after she returns home. Her love of home is made clear in this extract as she extoles the virtues of the Heath and the joy that she feels in being there.

There is a great sense of relief in her words as she compares the feeling of having gone from Constantinople to London to having jumped into a comfortable bed. Despite being a seasoned traveller, and even considering taking a teaching position which would see her living abroad for quite an extended period of time, it is clear that Isabel feels a great deal of relief and joy at being safely back in the sphere within which she is comfortable.

Transcript: "Sunday May. 3. Today I have almost entirely spent with the 2 children and C. M. We had a lovely walk and playing on the Heath. I suppose it is one of the most sophisticated and cultivated spots on the face of the earth and the sense of jump from Constantinople to it gave me the impression of having leaped say off a precipice straight into a delicious down bed. All the externals give me a sense of lapping peace."

London - May 3rd 1914